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Agriculture courses Which is a government division in Yala Rajabhat University. Under the Faculty of Science and Technology Yala Teachers College That teach basic subjects Forced to the upper secondary level students and the upper secondary level later open as a minor course to the upper level students High and Bachelor's degree respectively after the separation of government departments in the new Faculty of Science and Technology The Agriculture Department has changed to the Department of Agriculture and is open to students at the cover level. high(Agriculture), Friendship (Agriculture), respectively, when Yala Teachers College changed the status It is a Yala Rajabhat Institute offering courses in other fields besides education. Department of Agriculture at that time therefore offered a bachelor's degree, B.Sc. (Agriculture) after the Yala Rajabhat Institute had a policy to expand the government within the institute by separating the Department of Agriculture from the Faculty of Science and Technology. And established a faculty of agriculture and industryBut unable to form a group Due to the government policy not wanting to expand the government sector, it was established as a replacement project for the Faculty of Agricultural Technology in 2001 and operated as a full-fledged project of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology in December 2001.Year 2005, Yala Rajabhat Institute changed its name to Yala Rajabhat University in accordance with the announcement of the ministerial regulations of the Ministry of Education The project to establish the Faculty of Agricultural Technology was then dissolved into the Department of Agricultural Technology. Under the Faculty of Science and Technology, which was renamed the Faculty of Science, Technology and Agriculture in 2005 until the present. The Kasetsart University course was organized in lecture hours at Yala Rajabhat University. And organize teaching and learning during practice hours atMae Lan District, Pattani Province Government and private agencies in the area of ​​Yala Province in the academic year 2008 launched a new and improved course in agriculture. Which is a more localized course And has made improvements to the Bachelor of Science program Kasetsart In accordance with the framework of higher education standards It has been used since the academic year 2555 until the present.