
February 12, 2019 (Admin) About Us

Bachelor of Science Program in Biology aims to produce new graduates having these following qualifications

1. Have knowledge together with scientific advances and local and national requirements as well.

2. Have basic knowledge on self-improvement and can apply knowledge on developing our local or can continue upper degree

3. Have wide-vision, moral, ethics and code of conduct. In addition, have interpersonal relation and responsibility on self and society.

4. Have quality of life and can adapt themselves into society changes happily.

5. Can solve problems by applying science progress in order to develop our local, country and ASEAN countries.


Bachelor of Science Program in Biological Technology and Innovation aims to produce new graduates having these following qualifications

1. The curiosity and ability to think critically in a systematic way.

2. Able to integrate biological sciences with other sciences to develop to innovation.

3. Can use language and information in technology to manage data in biological sciences and publish of information in the public.

4. Follow the rules and organizational regulations, a public mind and professional ethics.